Tag: paper



    Taught by Allison Williams and Eric Reeder, this second-year urbanism studio investigated a large area of East Oakland, landing on a site West of International Boulevard where residential, educational, and industrial zones meet. The International Center for Black Lives Matter (ICBLM) is programmed as a large-scale community center with commercial, cultural, and educational uses alongside…

  • Architecture, Inside-Out

    Architecture, Inside-Out

    This “backward” architecture project began with a study of Johnston Marklee’s View House. Crops of that house’s drawings were transformed into an object which slowly transitioned into a building whose site and program were created as final steps.

  • Design Fundamentals II

    Design Fundamentals II

    The second and final pre-architectural design course I undertook in undergrad, DF2, facilitated continued exploration of the dimensions of space and spatial representation. This course encouraged the development of ideas within groups and revealed the rewards of combining forces with others to share interests, passions, and work. Subterranean Sublime A structure with spaces both above…