Tag: model

  • Setting Scenes
  • Timber Tower

    Timber Tower

    This design makes use of the ‘Conifer Column’ fictional patent. Its structure is composed of triple-pronged assemblies, each with beams radiating in 6 directions. Thick 9-ply panels of CLT compose the pronged vertical (trunk-like) and horizontal (branch-like) elements of each Conifer Column. These are joined together with steel connections hidden within the structure and behind…

  • Stick Stack

    Stick Stack

    This method of construction is suited to temporary installations, deconstruction, and reconstruction, and structures like this could be built almost anywhere. It’s even imaginable that sets of beams could be manufactured with excessive notching to create a kit of parts from which varied assemblages could be composed. Although the Stick Stack is a frame system,…

  • PerFORMance


    This project was originally composed on Medium by myself, Adriana Salim, and Eva Yunqi-Wei. Market Street Site The design area occupies a one-block site just southeast of Market Street, bounded also by 12th, Otis, and Gough Street in San Francisco. At the Market Street site, analyses will have to take the urban surroundings into consideration,…



    Taught by Allison Williams and Eric Reeder, this second-year urbanism studio investigated a large area of East Oakland, landing on a site West of International Boulevard where residential, educational, and industrial zones meet. The International Center for Black Lives Matter (ICBLM) is programmed as a large-scale community center with commercial, cultural, and educational uses alongside…

  • Representation in Design

    Representation in Design

    Instructed by Andrew Atwood, this course introduced students to photoshop skills, layout design, and Grasshopper for Rhino. Ideas and and skills developed through the class’ technical workflows, readings, and discussions manifested in the projects displayed here. Throughout this class, I worked in a group with Jun Tanabe and Ciera Gordon. Ambiguous Images Graphic Design Components

  • Two Houses

    Two Houses

    In a team of two, Annie Hull and I studied the Bass House (also known as Case Study House #20B) and designed an ADU to fit into its backyard. A frame for opaque and light-transmitting swinging panels around three living pods, our design is highly configurable and suitable for up to three inhabitants. Precedent Accessory

  • Architecture, Inside-Out

    Architecture, Inside-Out

    This “backward” architecture project began with a study of Johnston Marklee’s View House. Crops of that house’s drawings were transformed into an object which slowly transitioned into a building whose site and program were created as final steps.

  • Design Fundamentals II

    Design Fundamentals II

    The second and final pre-architectural design course I undertook in undergrad, DF2, facilitated continued exploration of the dimensions of space and spatial representation. This course encouraged the development of ideas within groups and revealed the rewards of combining forces with others to share interests, passions, and work. Subterranean Sublime A structure with spaces both above…

  • Mountain Model

    Mountain Model

    In order to give my parents a better idea of the experience of the mountain home my father has been designing as a place in which to retire, I created a Revit model of his plans, including the site’s views and landscape features. main floor plans by my father title page featuring rendered exterior from…