Tag: gallery



    Taught by Allison Williams and Eric Reeder, this second-year urbanism studio investigated a large area of East Oakland, landing on a site West of International Boulevard where residential, educational, and industrial zones meet. The International Center for Black Lives Matter (ICBLM) is programmed as a large-scale community center with commercial, cultural, and educational uses alongside…

  • Atmospheres


    This design workshop introduced students to Peter Zumthor’s nine elements of atmosphere and asked pupils to engage with an existing building through intensive teamwork diagramming, running digital simulations, and producing physical models. Initial precedent study work in this class was produced with Logan Stein and Maggie Pekarna. Precedent The spatial and psychological experience of Exit…

  • Design Fundamentals I

    Design Fundamentals I

    The first studio course which architecture students undertake, this class conveyed basic principles of design, introduced a variety of representational techniques, and led pupils toward an understanding of iterative design processes. DF1 was where I came to understand how to be creative in the studio environment. It’s where I discovered the joy of the process…