Tag: 1:1
a manifesto
Between two classes, History and Representation, this manifesto was developed, inspired by works built, written, and depicted.
Psychedelic Architecture
Visual Reconstruction A device which literally transforms vision, shifting perception from the front of the body to the sides and overlaying rainbow colors, is developed Holo-Bubble The nature of society’s evolving, deepening relationships with technology, specifically social media, are investigated and criticized through spatial construction and experiential manipulation. The Holo-Bubble is a wearable architectural apparatus…
Color, Material, and Light
Under the instruction of Mary Guzowski, two lighting fixtures are designed and constructed. The first is inspired by the study of Tadao Ando’s Water Temple, and the second is conceived to suit the unique needs of a multipurpose office, teaching, and performance space. Inspired by Ando Tight Light
Masonry Design and Construction
This three-week intensive course instructed by Mark Swanson imparted a foundational knowledge and appreciation for masonry construction techniques and design applications through hands-on work with local bricklayers and allied craftworkers. The design-build project was completed with fellow students Jocelyne Dougan, Gabby Hanssen, and Jonathan Stuckey. Our team aimed to activate an open green space on…